Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Animation Outakes

To begin, in GT we started a new project. It requires using photoshop to animate. It is an animation project. My teammates for this project are Tessa Jensen, Tu Nguyen, Leilia Panui, and Dylan Niide. Interesting facts about them are, Tu really likes minions from the movie "Despicable Me". She also really likes to eat. Seriously. Even as odd as it seems. Tessa has a lot of siblings, four to be exact. And she's apparently best friends with her mom. Leilia is related to large amounts of people at school. As well as she gets Pono market very often. Dylan is a very talented artist. He also has a fan club called, Dylan-Nation.

A stop motion is a sequence of multiple pictures that are taken frame for frame and put together to create a interesting form of video. It's a very long process that is overall worth it. My photo booth shows fake emotion.  A .GIF(Pronounced Jif or Gif) is a short, compact file that repeats itself forever. Some of them loop, and it looks like its just happening over and over again. My bouncing ball GIF is not a loop.

The story we are telling is Tu's. As well as others probably in this classroom. The reason you (the audience) should care is because Cyberbullying is a major problem which can lead to distress, physical and mental harm. Our team mate has experience with this, and we want to make sure that people get the message. Either don't mind cyberbullies, or don't be one. Sometimes, you can be a bully without realizing.

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