Monday, September 21, 2015

Comedy Writing

As of late, I've been laughing a lot. It's a good thing really. Anyways, I wanted to explain how a sense of humor is a good trait to have. A sense of humor is a good trait to have because humor is really a life skill. If you have a good sense of humor, you can light up people when they are feeling down. A sense of humor also can relieve stress from not only you, but others as well. Even in my life, when people have cracked a good joke on a bad day, it made me feel somewhat better. So, having a sense of humor can be really vital, for many reasons.

5 tips for writing a humorous essay? Okay then! First tip, have a voice in how you read it. Don't talk in a mundane tone. Raise your voice, lower it, talk in an accent, whatever your story relates to, attempt to talk in a tone of voice that makes sense. Second tip, think of what makes you laugh. Build off of that, think of what makes you laugh and try to expand the joke to support multiple types of humor. If you don't understand what I'm saying, ask a friend what makes them laugh. Assuming what makes them laugh is different that what makes you laugh, try to incorporate humor in your joke that suits both you and your friend. Third tip, don't make the joke too wordy. Making the joke too long can make the audience lose you, or become bored. Don't be all too descriptive. Get to the point, get laughs. Fourth tip, is a fairly obvious tip but a good one. You can be inspired by other people, however don't steal from them. All comedians had to start their jokes from scratch and it's not Monopoly and you can get a free pass. The 5th and final tip is be yourself. If it's not you, then you are doing something wrong.

My comedic monologue includes a variety of high humor. Most of my jokes require some thinking, because you usually won't understand it right away. The rest of my jokes are puns. They are funny because of thinking required to understand them. Once you do understand them however, they can be quite enjoyable. I'm really proud of the work I have done on this project. I hope I can maintain that pride for the entirety of the year.

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