Monday, November 30, 2015

Invention Commercial

       The invention of the shovel was ground breaking. However, the invention of the broom truly swept the nation. However, we all know it was the invention of the wheel that got things rolling. Okay, enough bad puns. In our GT media class this week we had put the finishing touches on our Invention commercial plans, and viewed our entire classes commercials. Our team (Tim Blum,Kynan Ledee, and myself) had a main goal to accomplish for the end of the commercial. That goal was to make something that could people could actually use. We somewhat accomplished the goal, it IS something that people can use, but it's very simple. Our idea was to create a device that allows people to pour drinks without the worry to spill anything. What we did end up making was simply a hole in a bottle cap. It works, however it wasn't to the best of our abilities.

      Our teams best moment within production was a pretty awesome one if I do say so myself. We were trying to make something for the end of the video, and Kynan sang a song and the lyrics were "1-800 spill saver, do do dooo". It was very funny, and it was unfortunate we decided not to put it into the final cut. If we had decided to put it into production, our entertainment factor would of gone up, however another score could of potentially went down, and I feel that in commercials entertainment is not always the key for people to buy your product.

During post production, it was mostly me who had done the editing in my group. I had put all the clips together and voiceovers, however it was Kynan and Tim who helped me in putting things in certain places. In addition to that, I had difficulties exporting the movie, and it was them who helped me complete that task. Overall, I feel as if we did a very good job on this project. Of course, there is always room for improvement. The next project that we do, I intend on honing my skills even more.

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